2014 GA Cotton Commission Annual Meeting Agenda 1-10-14
Georgia Cotton Commission’s 2014 Annual Meeting
The Georgia Cotton Commission’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the Commission’s 7th Annual Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2014, at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.
The program speakers are Mark Messura, Senior Vice President, Global Marketing, Cotton Incorporated; Dr. Gary Adams, Vice President, Cotton Policy and Economics, National Cotton Council; Ronnie Lee, incoming President, Southern Cotton Growers; and a representative from the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, University of Georgia, who will provide a report on the economic contribution of cotton production in Georgia.
Following the speakers, the Commission will host lunch. During this time, sponsors will be recognized and door prizes will be given away. The meeting and lunch are open to not only cotton growers, but anyone interested in the cotton industry.
The annual meeting is held the same day as the UGA Cotton Production Workshop conducted by the Research & Extension Cotton Team. Attendees will learn the latest technical production strategies from the researchers whose projects were funded by the Commission using growers’ dollars. Information is available on the Commission’s website: www.georgiacottoncommission.org and at the UGA Cotton Team website: www.ugacotton.com.
There is no charge to attend. Pre-registration is requested to help with meal plans. Register online at www.ugatiftonconference.org or call 229.386.3416.
For information on becoming a sponsor, please contact the Commission office at 478.988.4235.
Sponsors to date are (alphabetical):
Aimtrac ∙ Allenberg/ProCot ∙ AMVAC ∙ Bayer CropScience ∙ Cotton Growers Cooperative
Dow AgroSciences/PhytoGen ∙ DuPont ∙ Deltapine ∙ Southeast AgNet ∙ Staplcotn ∙ Syngenta
Valley Irrigation
Georgia Cotton Commission’s 7th Annual Meeting
UGA Cotton Production Workshop
January 22, 2014
UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center
Georgia Cotton Production Workshop
7:30 a.m. Name Badge Pick-up & Late Registration – Breakfast
8 – 8:50 a.m. Economics and Marketing (Rm. 1)
Insect Pest Management (Rms. 6/7)
Cotton Varieties for 2014 & Up and Coming Technologies (Rm. 10)
9 – 9:50 a.m. Irrigation Technology and Cotton Physiology (Rm. 1)
Plant Pathology (Rms. 4/5)
Agronomics – Cotton Variety Performance & Management (Rms. 6/7)
Soil Fertility (Rm. 10)
9:50 – 10:00 a.m. Break
Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting
10-10:30 a.m. Welcome, Recognition of Sponsors, Commission Report
10:30-10:45 a.m. Sharon P. Kane, Public Service Associate, Economist, Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, University of Georgia, The Economic Contribution of Cotton Production in Georgia.
10:45-11:15 a.m. Mark Messura, Senior Vice President Global Marketing, Cotton Incorporated. Cotton LEADS: Securing a Place for U.S. Cotton in the World Market.
11:15-11:30 a.m. Ronnie Lee, President, Southern Cotton Growers, Comments from Southern Cotton Growers
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Dr. Gary Adams, Vice President, Cotton Policy and Economics, National Cotton Council, Farm Program and Trade Policy Update.
12:00-1:15 p.m. Lunch, sponsor recognitions, producer drawings
1:15-1:45 p.m. Presentation of the Georgia Quality Cotton Awards
Georgia Cotton Production Workshop resumes
2:10 – 3:00 p.m. Economics and Marketing (Rm. 1)
Insect Pest Management (Rms. 6/7)
Cotton Varieties for 2014 & Up and Coming Technologies (Rm. 10)
3:10 – 4:00 p.m. Irrigation Technology and Cotton Physiology (Rm. 1)
Plant Pathology (Rms. 4/5)
Agronomics – Cotton Variety Performance & Management (Rms. 6/7)
Soil Fertility (Rm. 10)
2014 Cotton Production Workshop – Breakout Sessions
University of Georgia Cotton Team
Agronomics – Cotton Variety Performance & Management: Results from the 2013 UGA On-Farm Cotton Variety Performance Evaluation Program and agronomic approaches for agronomic irrigation management of modern cotton varieties. (Guy Collins & Jared Whitaker)
Cotton Varieties for 2014 & Up and Coming Technologies: Cotton varieties for 2014 & Technology Options for the near future (Seed Company Representatives)
Economics and Marketing: Overview and discussion of the 2013-2014 US and World cotton market situation and price outlook; costs and net return comparisons for 2014. (Don Shurley & Amanda Smith)
Irrigation Technology and Cotton Physiology: Smartphone Irrigation Scheduling App; Irrigation technology; Cotton sensitivity to water stress. (George Vellidis, Wes Porter, Calvin Perry, & John Snider)
Insect Pest Management: Update for management of cotton insect pests (Phillip Roberts & Mike Toews)
Plant Pathology: Updates for disease and nematode management for 2014. (Bob Kemerait)
Soil Fertility: Updates for nutrient management of modern cotton varieties. (Glen Harris)
Scheduled Times for Breakout Sessions (each session will be offered two times):
8:00 am – 8:50 am Economics and Marketing (Rm. 1)
Insect Pest Management (Rms. 6/7)
Cotton Varieties for 2014 & Up and Coming Technologies (Rm. 10)
9:00 am – 9:50 am Irrigation Technology and Cotton Physiology (Rm. 1)
Plant Pathology (Rms. 4/5)
Agronomics – Cotton Variety Performance & Management (Rms. 6/7)
Soil Fertility (Rm. 10)
2:10 pm – 3:00 pm Economics and Marketing (Rm. 1)
Insect Pest Management (Rms. 6/7)
Cotton Varieties for 2014 & Up and Coming Technologies (Rm. 10)
3:10 pm – 4:00 pm Irrigation Technology and Cotton Physiology (Rm. 1)
Plant Pathology (Rms. 4/5)
Agronomics – Cotton Variety Performance & Management (Rms. 6/7)
Soil Fertility (Rm. 10)
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