Mitigating Insect Managment Effects on Pollinators – Cotton Incorporated “Focus on Cotton” Webcast

New ‘Focus on Cotton’ Webcast: Helps Growers and Beekeepers Mitigate Pest Management Effects on Pollinators

Managed honeybee hives are at times placed near cotton and other agricultural fields, which means that growers and beekeepers must work together to minimize any potential adverse conditions that might impact either group.

A new Focus on Cotton webcast titled “Mitigating Insect Management Effects on Pollinators” discusses how cotton growers, consultants, and other industry experts cooperate with beekeepers to manage pollinators like honeybees by encouraging communication about hive locations, application schedules, and techniques for limiting exposure.

This 10-minute talk by Scott D. Stewart, Professor and Row Crops IPM Specialist at the University of Tennessee, provides information that helps beekeepers and agricultural pest managers:

  • Improve communication and coordination
  • Select appropriate hive placement
  • Properly time pesticide applications to minimize potential pollinator exposure
  • Look for and follow pollinator protection statements and labeling

This presentation is freely available through the ‘Focus on Cotton’ webcast resource located at the Plant Management Network.

‘Focus on Cotton’ contains over 45 webcasts on various aspects of cotton crop management. These talks–accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week–cover agronomic practices, crop protection, and ag engineering.

The site also features Cotton Cultivated, a new resource from Cotton Incorporated that helps users quickly find the most current cotton production information available.

These resources are freely available courtesy of Cotton Incorporated at

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