Commodity commissions for cotton and tobacco accepting nominations for board members

Georgia Department of Agriculture
Gary W. Black, Commissioner
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
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July 24, 2014
Contact: GDA Press Office


Commodity commissions for cotton and tobacco accepting nominations for board members

The Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Cotton and the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Tobacco will accept nominations to fill several positions on each board. The length of each term is three years. In order to be nominated a person must be a Georgia producer of that commodity.

Nominations can be made by filling out a Nominee Information Form available at Farm Services Administration (FSA) offices and sending it to the Georgia Department of Agriculture, 19 MLK Jr. Drive S.W. Room 324, Atlanta, GA 30334 or via fax to 404-656-9380. Nominations must be postmarked Saturday August 30, 2014 for consideration.

The nominees will be certified to ensure they are an active cotton or tobacco producer in Georgia. Geographic representation will be considered when making appointments.

Agricultural commodity commissions are farmer-funded self-help programs to enhance research, promotion and education. They are authorized in Georgia law under the Commodity Promotions Act. Producers with questions may contact the Georgia Department of Agriculture at 404-656-3678

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