Georgia Cotton Commission’s 6th Annual Meeting & UGA Cotton Production Workshop – January 30, 2013, UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center

2013 AnnMtg AGENDA 11_29_12

Speakers for the Commission’s annual meeting program are confirmed and a tentative agenda is in place. It is the Commission’s 6th Annual Meeting and scheduled for January 30, 2013 at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.



The speakers are Mike Tate, President of Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.; Dr. Kater Hake, VP of Agricultural and Environmental Research with Cotton Incorporated; Kevin Latner, Executive Director of Cotton Council International and Mark Lange, President and CEO of the National Cotton Council.

The meeting is held on the same day as the UGA Cotton Production Workshop conducted by the Cotton Team Scientists. Attendees will learn the latest technical production strategies from the researchers whose projects were funded by the Commission using growers’ dollars. There will be early morning concurrent workshop break-out sessions and they will be repeated following the Commission’s annual meeting luncheon program. The workshop sessions cover a wide range of topics, as reflected on the attached workshop schedule.

There is no charge to attend this educational event and the Commission hopes all cotton growers and any interested parties will join us.

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, and appreciated, to help with meal plans. Registration opened November 26, 2012. To register online, go to or call 229.386.3416.




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